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Happy Mother's day

Mother's day is come and gone and I am glad the hoopla slowed down. I feel now is the right time to share this. There cannot be a world without mothers. Please respect them. I believe the soul chooses its parents so that we get the environment that can help us grow. If you feel that your mom isn't ... upto your standards - forgive her for not being the way YOU want her to be.

No matter what happens she is the one who gave you life. There is nothing you can do to offset this. You owe her your life but still, no matter how old they get - they take care of us.

Mine is still taking care of me. Miles away, she baby sits my son via whatsapp while I take a quick shower. It has become a part of our routine and my son doesn't like to finish his breakfast unless he is speaking with Nani.

Also, telling mom's about your problems is an awesome remedy as it helps alleviate so much of the pain just knowing that someone is praying for you

More power and love to Mom's <3

A very old pic of my nani my mom and me. <3 Hope you celebrate Mother's day every day

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