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Here are a few short stories inspired by real life.

The Bad Day Book - Parenting Edition


Coming soon

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Change of Heart​


Short story “Where is Your Nose” about comparision.

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The Bad Day Book


A fun small story “Who do you think you are talking to?” is published in this fantastic book.

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Palm Branch Publishing​


Two short stories “The Perfect Cup of Masala Tea” and "How I Overcame my Fear of Teaching Young Kids" published with some really amazing writers in the anthology called “Pivot”

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A small story “For the love of bookmarks” published here

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Teach. Write. Spring~Summer 2023


Short story “Big learning from small" is published here. The story is about giving and sharing. An experience from my time working in the NGO. 

Memoirs of Love


Short love story “Mr Boring” about a lady realizing the true dedication of love by looking at a hawker. Published with some really amazing writers in the anthology called “Memoirs of Love”

Culture Cult


A Flash fiction “A good impression” is also published in the summer issue of culture cult. It is hopefully inspiring and might connect with some of you. Amazing writers in the anthology called “Memoirs of Love”

Unofficial: Meri Kahani


Short story “The unaccepted present” about a lady who gets to correct a wrong of hurting the sentiments of her friend. Published in the much awaited anthology called “Meri Kahani”  by Lab Academia books.


Honored to have my story selected by them

Rejected Lit


Poetry and prose that doesn't fit in is welcomed in the Rejected Lit. I find the concept so amazing. I sent one of my old Prose here.



Short story "What is success" published by SmartyPants publishing in this mixed anthology. It has diligent work of dozens of talented authors (honored and lucky to be one of them)


My story is about a boy failing for the first time in his life and not sure of ways to deal with it.

The fathom mag


Short memoir "Unguarded words" published by The Fathom mag. It explores the depth of scripture and encourages curiousity 


My story is about regretting the words we speak.

Perspective Magazine


Short story "The slippers Desire" republished by Perspective Magazine.


The story is an autobiography of the slippers.


Her Story


Short story "I (Almost) Called 911 To Open a Jar" published in Her Story. A place, empowering women through storytelling


The story is about the time I almost called 911 to open a jar.

Surviving Pregnancy


Short story "Don't tell your mom" to published here with other mommy writers.




Rigorous is an online journal highlighting the works of authors, artists, critics, and educators of color. My story "Things my parent's don't know" is published here. This is a completely fictional piece written from imagination and about imagination. 


Reminiscing Summer


Short story "Unsatisfactory alms" published here with other stories about summer.


Christmas in July


Short story "Don't stop believing" published here with other stories about Christmas and the power of it.

Potrait of New England


Short story "Making a new home" published here in this literary magazine capturing the essence of New England.


The story is about me finally feeling at home in America which is physically cold but emotionally warm

Flash Fiction

Eagerly waiting


Flash fiction "Eagerly waiting," I wrote after a long time published here in the site for writers who can cram an entire story into 100 words.


The last thing I loved - Gorgeous black hair​


True story "How I fell in love with my hair" published here with other stories in the series "The last thing I loved"


My first publication on Medium. A story about my hair changing in texture and style after pregnancy and still not back to its original but...


Just go as you are.


Short story "Just go as you are" published here. The story is about my journey of losing weight thanks to this lovely baby group.


Reflection time


Short story "Reflection time" published in 45 Magazine (45 Mag) A literary journal containing women’s stories in conjunction with creative writing, visual art, informative articles, book reviews, entrepreneurial advice, and more.

Story is of the time I volunteered at a summer camp for underprivileged children and learned that we can learn from unexpected sources.


Accept and change​


Short story "Accept and change" published here. I sent a 2 minute video recording of me reading an excerpt of the story for their launch. Such a gr8 feeling. Hope you choose your own motherhood.

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