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Easy Homemade chocolate

Hello Dearest Ones,

Here is a sweet treat for all of you. I don't know how or why I wasn't aware of this before but I was watching something on youtube ( and found this. A recipe for homemade chocolate. I did a little research online and here is something <3

Homemade chocolate is very easy to make with these 5 simple and easily available ingredients and ... it is definitely yummy. Try it out. Here is a pic of my son after eating it.

Ingredients :

Coconut oil


Cocoa powder

vanilla essence


Directions :

Take coconut oil, cocoa powder and honey in the same ratio.

Heat coconut oil on very low flame.

Add honey to it and stir it slowly until honey is mixed properly.

Remember to keep flame on lowest.

Add cocoa powder and a tsp of vanilla essence.

Stir slowly. If it isn't of the thick consistency like dosa batter, add a splash of milk.

Then, mould it. Initially, I didn't have a proper mould so I used ice tray. My son loves it and so do I.

Hope you continue to have a lovely day. Do let me know how it works out for you. I am not a official food blogger but I hope this helps you eat healthy.

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